sábado, 18 de octubre de 2014

 Economics and Business Economics

The question 'What is Economics and Business Economics?' can be answered in many ways, economics is "the science that has the human pursuit of wealth as its object of investigation." But what does this really say? To start with, it says that man pursues wealth. When you look up wealth, you then read that this is a "state of societal prosperity". We could next look up prosperity, but - intuitively - economics is about money while the dictionary does not say a word about this. Luckily.
Businesses also make the same types of decisions on a continual basis. Should we lower the price due to so much competition? Should we merge with company ?
With an economics study, you lay a broad basis for a variety of directions in the future. Economics and Business Economicsis a socially relevant study which provides insight into the choice behaviour of individuals, organizations and government bodies.

1 comentario:

  1. hi lina , The econimia demonstrated the need for companies to address and need to know how fluctuates wealth and progress
