sábado, 6 de diciembre de 2014


Occupational health or safety and health at work, right through human talent allows coordinate the different areas of the company, with the ARL (acronym in Spanish) allows control proporsionar preventive medicine, industrial security, higuiene and COPASO or COPASST, for the purpose of preventing or foresee diseases and accidents

viernes, 5 de diciembre de 2014


That is why the staff is provided with instructions efforts to the work, and provide expertise to perform the necessary activities.

The training and / or training can improve and increase production systems in organization and preparation of staff to deal with this labor challenges, improving performance
The work culture in Colombia, thanks to increased human resources in the acquisition of qualified personnel country, ensuring equal personnel.

human talent in Colombia can meet the challenges of the international market and therefore a corporate recognition and production success in organizations

domingo, 30 de noviembre de 2014


As the labor market and the economy is constantly changing, it is necessary to evolve and facing the differences challenges that society presents.
one of the biggest challenges as a technologist human talent is knowing that the internal customer "workers" are a force in the organization and therefore its comprehensive wellness is very important

Allows us through development of processes, procedures  and organization to increase staff efficiency of an enterprise; thus workers achieve their work goals.

It is very important that every company has human talent because through this it would provide more welfare workers

viernes, 31 de octubre de 2014

What is Marine Biology?

Simply put, marine biology is the study of life in the oceans and other saltwater environments such as estuaries and wetlands. All plant and animal life forms are included from the microscopic picoplankton all the way to the majestic blue whale, the largest creature in the sea—and for that matter in the world.

Why study marine biology?
How is marine biology studied?
Marine biology vs. biological oceanography?

The study of marine biology includes a wide variety of disciplines such as astronomy, biological oceanography, cellular biology, chemistry, ecology, geology, meteorology, molecular biology, physical oceanography and zoology and the new science of marine conservation biology draws on many longstanding scientific disciplines such as marine ecology, biogeography, zoology, botany, genetics, fisheries biology, anthropology, economics and law.

sábado, 18 de octubre de 2014

 Economics and Business Economics

The question 'What is Economics and Business Economics?' can be answered in many ways, economics is "the science that has the human pursuit of wealth as its object of investigation." But what does this really say? To start with, it says that man pursues wealth. When you look up wealth, you then read that this is a "state of societal prosperity". We could next look up prosperity, but - intuitively - economics is about money while the dictionary does not say a word about this. Luckily.
Businesses also make the same types of decisions on a continual basis. Should we lower the price due to so much competition? Should we merge with company ?
With an economics study, you lay a broad basis for a variety of directions in the future. Economics and Business Economicsis a socially relevant study which provides insight into the choice behaviour of individuals, organizations and government bodies.

jueves, 9 de octubre de 2014

Taking “active breaks” during work hours is easy to do, and it’s good for you.
In today's working world,sitting at work for most of the day, often at desks or in their computers.
A little planning and motivation, you can make active breaks work for you.  An active break can be as simple as taking a ten-minute walk outside during your lunch hour or coffee break
You can plan all kinds of “active breaks” into your day, without losing productivity. That workers who are more physically active during the day tend to be more productive.
Remember it!!!

lunes, 29 de septiembre de 2014

Business administration
Is the process of managing a business or non- profit organization so that it remains stable and continues to grow. The administration of a business includes the performance or management of business operations and decision making as well as the efficient organization of people and other resources to direct activities toward common goals and objectives.

What does a business administrator do?
In business, day-to-day operations are as important as long-term plans for the future. A career in business touches on information technology, leadership dynamics and increasingly on ethics and international relationships. There's incredible room for growth in the field. When you find the right "fit," you'll find that working your way up the ladder may be both challenging and rewarding. Plus, skills you acquire in one capacity will translate into others as your career path evolves.

miércoles, 30 de abril de 2014

Artistic drawing

Drawing as formal artistic creation might be defined as the primarily linear, as well as of concepts, thoughts, attitudes, emotions, and fantasies given visual form, of symbols and even of abstract forms, Is the art or technique of producing images on a surface, usually paper, by means of marks, usually of ink, graphite, chalk, charcoal, or crayon.

lunes, 14 de abril de 2014


The Iberoamerican Theater Festival (FITB) will take place throughout Bogota over a period of two weeks, presenting a range of international plays and performances
The FITB festival is held every two years, with 2014 being its fourteenth event. This year’s festival welcomes artists from 26 countries and presents 42 international works, alongside numerous pieces from the best of Colombian theater.
Performances will include indoor theater, street theater, and tent-based cabaret. These genres each bring avant-garde performances: aerial tango from Argentina accompanied by a live orchestra, a Spanish musical performance using recycled materials for percussion, Peruvian clowning, and black comedy from the Czech Republic.
Spaces throughout the city will be used for the festival’s performances, including 20 different theaters, public parks and streets.
Brazil will headline the festival this year as Bogota welcomes the Galpao Group, reputedly the most important theater group in Brazil. The Galpao Group were established 30 years ago

viernes, 21 de febrero de 2014


que siento
me siento conforme y emocionada un poco cansada peso motivada a seguir formándome y surgiendo como persona

toma de decisiones 
en  algunos casos el tomar decisiones se me presenta una poca de dificultad pero analizo y miro todas las perspectivas o posibles caminos y se me facilitan en gran magnitud

mi actitud a los demás 
mi actitud es bastante abierta me gusta tomar cada sugerencia o critica para poder complementarme de manera constructiva

alguien se cuela
no protesto me dirijo correctamente  y le digo que ese era mi lugar, yo pienso que eso es suficiente para que la persona se rectifique

miedo a la interacción
soy tímida y aveces me angustia y por lo tanto no me involucro a fondo con algunas personas

el vendedor persistente
mi actitud si el objeto de vendedor me desagrada es directa, le diría que no deseo comprar su producto

distracción en el trabajo
no me distrae en lo absoluto si esa persona me esta mirando pero si me habla talvez no me concentre de igual manera

me patean el asiento en el cine
si le pido el favor que se detenga que me esta incomodando

dificultad al mirar a los ojos
en absoluto al contrario me gusta mirar a los ojos pero si no lo hago es que en el momento estoy deduciendo o pensando

yo estoy en me trabajo y por cuestiones económicas necesito pedirle a mi jefe un aumento .

que mi jefe no le agrade mi petición, que me pueda decir que no e incluso ser un motivo de despido.

evidencia de represiva
mi jefe no tenga disponibilidad en los recursos para que yo pueda recibir un aumento.

mi jefe tendrá que ver mi desempeño y mi durabilidad en la compañía y así poder meditar o proponer una solución a mi conflicto económico.

protección de represaría
es posible que yo me dirija de manera asertiva y exponga mi caso con respeto, también darle pautas de porque es posible ese aumento y los derechos que la empresa me puede proporcionar.

martes, 4 de febrero de 2014

esta soy yo
mi música favorita es el pop en español, la salsa, el pop en ingles
mi deporte favorito es el baloncesto
mi hobbie es dibujar
mi serios de tv favoritas son todas me gusta la tv
me gusta el manga el impresionismo los abstracto y subrealista
